New Kudos for August are OUT!! And this one has my heart!!

As promised, I’m here to introduce the New Kudos for August 2016 from  Younique. If you don’t know about our Younique Foundation let me tell you a bit about that first because the two go hand in hand! 

The Younique Foundation is an organisation that inspires hope in women who were sexually abused as children or adolescents by hosting them at a retreat, where they are uplifted by each other and learn skills that can help them find individual healing! 

They also educate the parents and empower them to protect their children from sexual abuse while leading a public dialogue to bring the epidemic of abuse to light. 

 This foundation is so important to me because when I was 19 I was raped by a family friend. I understand what it takes to heal from the pain and I am here to support you/them in any way I can! 

For August they did something special in honour of our little ones who go through abuse every day! They need a strong voice to stand up for them, and the Younique Foundation is one of those loud voices! Each item you purchase small or not, a portion of that can be donated to our foundation! I encourage everyone to do so because to me there in nothing more important than our Youth. They are the next generations and they need our support now so they can be strong. 

It’s called Defend the Innocent! 
Available in Spanish, English/French, and English
An exclusive Defend Innocence bracelet
Moodstruck Opulence Lipstick in Sitting Pretty, an iridescent pink
Splurge Cream Shadow in Hopeful, a soft, glimmering pink eye shadow. 
Moodstruck Precision Pencil Eyeliner in Purposeful, a rich, eggplant purple. 

Every purchase can be rounded up to the next dollar and donated to the Younique Foundation! 

One of my favourite reasons I love this business it the slogan. We Uplift, Validate, and Empower women! So often women can be our worse critics, so I find it very important that when we have the opportunity to lift someone up or empower them to try new things or validate them in how they are feeling and offer some understanding, we should always take it! 

I believe in building people up not tearing them down. Maybe it’s because I’ve lived in emotional chaos for so long that I want to help people, not the way I do. I want you to know that you do have options and it can get better. Whatever you are going through! 

My story is long and isn’t pretty. I’ve fought hard and still fight daily to find my self-esteem. I have bad days where I’m very depressed and then other days where I’m very anxious.   Today, in more of in-between kinda days. Not terrible but not the best either. 

I just take it day by day. That’s all you can do and that’s all anyone can expect from you anyways. You aren’t promised tomorrow! So live for today! And you have my permission to tell anyone that argues with you that I say so! LOL!! 

Keep your heads up. Don’t give up in this fight we call life. WE can make it through. Trust me!! 

Thank you again for your company and I’ll talk to you all soon! 

What is the New August 2016 Kudos??


By now I’m sure you have caught on to our Kudos and why they are so valuable. If you are new here you may be asking yourself “what’s a kudos?” 

Kudos are special deals that we give our customers. Every month our Younique Corporate office does the unthinkable and puts together amazing money-saving deals. They are always new and different than last years, offer you huge savings, and often gives away something in the bundle for free.  

Last month for July 2016, was The Beachfront Collection. Which can still be purchased until midnight tonight your time? It is giving away a huge free beach tote with our most popular sunless tanning products and our Uplift eye serum. All for $99 and is a whopping $40 dollar savings. It may not seem like much but in today’s economy every dollar adds up. 

Also in July until midnight our Presenter Kits ships for free. Again $99 but what you get is all our products to try!! Worth a total value of $225!!!! Close your mouth, I know it’s an amazing deal!! It’s what really sold me, that and once I received the makeup I just fell in love. Now having been a presenter for about 5 months I’m mostly proud of our Younique Foundation that helps women and girls who have been victims of sexual abuse. 

Unfortunately, I won’t know the Kudos until tomorrow morning. Sad faces!! Don’t worry I’ll be up bright and early to share the wonderful news with you. I’m excited for this one because there has been a major buzz about a possibility of new product lines coming out in the fall. 

Come back tomorrow for the big reveal!! 

See you soon!!