What are we doing to our children?

What are we doing to our kids? I watched a very disturbing video a couple days ago on Facebook with our children. It made me cry and very sadden by what I saw. We have to do better and expect more from ourselves because it is affecting our kids, their outlook on life, and most of all their self-esteem!

Two days ago I was asked to comment on an article that was written by a Hillary supporter. I, of course, asked the normal questions such as “What about her lying to the people, congress under oath, and killing of our Americans?” His response was shocking. He said, “Yeah, I know.” That was his reply. Yeah, I know. Ha! That is crazy to me.

How can you completely overlook someone who has been proven to be a repeated liar? Someone who can cost American people there lives? How? How as a black man can you support a party that was the ones who started slavery, to begin with? It was the Republican party that set you free, or do we not know our history?

I am confused by this. It saddens me to think about the future of our country. Our people and our freedoms. I did read his article and I did give him my opinion which I have pasted below. My hope is that ALL of us, do our research and truly vote for someone who we feel is best for America. Best for all people. We need to take major steps in securing our borders and keeping us safe from terrorism.

Most of all of us have a smartphone, I’d get to googling and finding out what your party standings for and it’s history.

The DNC was caught again helping Hillary and rigging the elections. The emails are out for all to read. What they say about people in those private hacked emails is nothing to bat an eye at. They attack many different people, races, and religions. I would take the time to read them and then make a choice.

If you can look past the truth, then go ahead and vote for her but if you are like most of us? Who have a heart and soul and care about the future of this country and our children. I urge you again to pray, seek guidance, and find out the truth. Vote with your conscious.

Our court’s system is a stake. 40 years!! Trump, if elected, would be best for America, our economy, our safety, and for our future court system. If you don’t like him after four years, you can make a new choice but at least YOU saved the courts!!

(This is my response to the article, it was on gun control. His view was no one should be armed or have a right to bear arms.)

Let me ask you a few questions before I give my opinion. 

1. Are you a believer in God?
2. How would this stop criminals from getting guns?

I, as a belief have read and studied much about the end times. I have also read about different conspiracy theories. From the NWO to certain other groups and organizations. 

My thought is this, as a believer and a person who has knowledge in the area. 

First off getting rid of guns does not change the hearts of men or women. Am I correct? Yes, of course, I am. So, with that being said, there will always be criminals, corrupt cops, bad politicians, evil men, and women.

Removing laws don’t change that. Does it? No! It doesn’t. So you want to remove my right to protect my kids from bad people of any stature? That is my God given right to protect myself. Is it not? If you answer no. Then you’re saying if you saw or you personally we’re being attacked you wouldn’t defend yourself or a loved one? Please, Sir! I know you would. You look like a good man. 

This world will get worse. Someday our rights will be removed because that has to happen for all the rest to take place. The thing that bothers me. Is that the Democrats will say they care about you. Talk about how dangerous us gun owners are. Then go behind our backs and lie, cheat, sell guns to criminals, enable radical Islam and you want to worry about our guns? 

Stop. Worry about corrupt government officials, corrupt police officers, criminals, kill the ones threatening our safety. 

I suggest you pray Sir. Pray for wisdom for all of us. This is a huge election. 40 yrs of courts are at stake. We all must take special care and make sure we vote for what’s best for our “kids” in America. The ones who this will all cost if done wrong. 

America is done with the hate, the lies, the racism, the terrorists, and the corrupted Obama administration. 
We want our freedom, our rights, people governed by laws, and peace in our streets. 

We want babies saved from being killed in the womb. Our veterans protected and cared for. We want God back in America. 

If we keep standing for the ones who are corrupted we are doomed. 

Let Trump fix our courts. If he’s bad vote him out in four years but at least our court system is safe. 
That’s my take. 🙂